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Industry Insights |
3 Packaging Trends That Will Have The Largest Impact In 2023
Global industry of consumer packaging can anticipate feeling the influence of three significant variables throughout the course of the following twelve months.
Relationships Are Key In The Era of Packaging Automation
More than 90% of the manufacturers of packaged goods want that OEMs provide deeper connections and better training opportunities for automation technologies.
Bioplastics- An Answer To Climate Crisis, Resource Depletion
Up until 2050, circular plastics industry would significantly increase the amount of plastic waste that is recycled, consume fewer resources, and emit less CO2.
PET Recycling in the United States Hits Unprecedented Highs
A record number of bottles and thermoforms made from recycled polyethylene terephthalate (PET) were brought in for processing in the United States in 2021.
Press Releases |
EU Proposes Guidelines To Minimise Waste Packaging By 15%
In an attempt to decrease the packaging waste, the European Commission has established a number of initiatives with a view of hitting a 15% reduction target.
Amcor drives progress on advanced recycling materials for food and healthcare markets
Amcor, a global leader in developing and producing responsible packaging solutions, has announced a five-year deal with ExxonMobil to purchase certified-circular polyethylene material in support.
PepsiCo plans to double use of reusable packaging for beverages by 2030
US-based food, snack, and beverage firm PepsiCo has unveiled its global packaging goal to increase the use of reusable packaging in its beverage products.