AkyPak Bulk-Container Reusable Sleeve Made of Recycled Plastics Delivers Sustainability Again and Again

The global focus on sustainability has never been greater. Millions of people all over the world have marched; calling for more attention to be paid to the climate and sustainability.

The AkyPak® Bulk Container’s Recycled Sleeve embodies the ‘cradle to cradle’ approach that needs to be taken seriously across industries to slow the degradation of our environment. Made of recyclable material, the reusable container sleeve offers all the wonderful attributes of a classic AkyPak Sleeve, reusable, recyclable and offer zero waste. It is also lightweight, easy to handle, resistant to chemicals and has a printable surface excellent for branding. AkyPak reusable sleeves have a life expectancy up to 7-10 years.

To keep that infinite loop of re-use and recycling running, there are two areas of focus: Post-consumer waste and Industrial waste.

In both cases the plastic is collected for regrinding and recycling ensuring that the ‘cradle to cradle’ approach is maintained.

By choosing to use in-transit packaging made with a ‘cradle to cradle’ approach like AkyPak Sleeves and Containers, companies can reaffirm their commitment to lowering their environmental impact and show they take sustainability seriously by incorporating into as much of their operations as possible.