Italian Packaging Company Will Use Recycled PET From Food Trays to Produce New Film

AMB Spa, a packaging producer based in Italy, will use PET flakes from Indorama’s PET tray recycling operations in its food-grade packaging film. The partnership between AMB and Indorama is aimed at diverting 150 million post-consumer trays from landfill or incineration by the end of 2025.

Indorama produces flakes from post-consumer PET trays at its facility in Verdun, France. In 2022, the European Food Safety Authority assessed Indorama’s process, based on NGR technology, and reported that the recycling process, which includes melt-state polycondensation, is able to ensure low levels of migration of potential unknown contaminants. The panel concluded that recycled PET from the process was not a safety concern and could be used at up to 100% for the manufacture of materials for food contact.

The European Union has set a target to have all packaging recyclable by 2030, and recyclable at scale by 2035. Indorama has stated that its ambition is to achieve 750,000 tons of post-consumer PET bale input annually by 2025. Indorama announced August 9th the expansion of its PET recycling operations in Brazil.