Taking the leap and evolving from only selling and shipping within one country to go international can be daunting. It isn’t a simple switch to add on new territories – every country has different customs regulations, local carriers and preferences in delivery options. So, in order to truly successfully sell internationally one has to know all these things and adapt accordingly. This doesn’t only sound like a lot of research work, retailers simply don’t have the time to stay informed about every single overseas destination they ship to. The internationalisation strategy therefore needs to include a carefully planned shipping concept. This raises the question on how to develop such a concept.
PARCEL.ONE assists retailers with shipping internationally. This logistics enterprise has specialised in cross-border delivery. What are the best local carrier options, what needs to be considered when shipping to specific countries, how will the return process work – PARCEL.ONE has the solution for every need. Whatever a retailer needs help with, we’ll find the answer together.
But what makes international shipping difficult? Let’s take a look at the adaptations that need to be considered and the opportunities many miss.
Missed chances – how not to sell internationally
When embarking on this new adventure as a retailer, it is easy to simply take the processes that are already established and use them for cross-border shipment. That doesn’t work though. Working on one’s own, not adapting to regional differences and not consolidating with other retailers, is not going to lead to success. Here are the reasons why:
Different country, different people, different preferences
As a German company, it would be straightforward to assume customers in the neighbouring countries prefer the same delivery options as Germans. They are known to favour neighbourhood delivery, since they are rarely at home during the day and the trip to a collection station is seen as tedious. So, this option has to be available to them. But if we take a look at other European countries, these preferences change drastically. In Spain, for example, delivering packages to neighbours is rejected. The citizens are very private and would much rather be able to pick a delivery date, on which they are at home to receive their own package.
And these aren’t the only differences: Italians like the option of being informed of an upcoming delivery via text message. Swedes and Poles would just like to pick up their packages at the nearest collection station at their earliest convenience. Chinese customers also like the Click-and-Collect option. There it is also customary to inform the individual via a phone call that their package is ready. A practice that would not be well received in western countries.
These preferences show that to assume that the delivery options of one country will work elsewhere is foolish and wrong. One needs to thoroughly be informed about the wishes and desires of the customers. But this is also where a massive opportunity lies: Once this information is obtained and the delivery options are adapted accordingly, customers will notice this differentiation from the competition and more likely return for repeat orders. Cultural adaptation and customer orientation make the difference in shipping internationally.
Last but certainly not least: Last mile delivery
Another missed opportunity that occurs often when retailers switch to international business is the adherence to familiar companies. Large carriers such as DHL and UPS ship packages all over the world and therefore seem like the ideal partner in the internationalisation of one’s own business. But this way of thinking disregards the very important last mile. This part of the delivery is what customers come into contact with. They recognise their local carriers and interact with them regularly. On the other hand, these local carriers also know their customers. They have adapted to the regional preferences, often even offer these delivery options at a more affordable price than the giant delivery companies and can adapt more easily to possible changes since they are actually on the ground. To top it all off, local carriers also deliver at a much faster pace more often than not. So choosing local is preferable.
The big issue here is knowing these regional options. Multi-carriers have this knowledge and rely on the expertise of these local partners. The network of local delivery partners is vast.
To track or not to track – This shouldn’t be a question
Geo-tracking the packages is not only a nice amenity for the customer, but also very important for the retailer. But the problem is that oftentimes carriers only track within the borders of their country of operation. Once the package has crossed a border, tracking is no longer available – to the dismay of everyone involved. However, this doesn’t have to be the case. With certain multi-carriers such as PARCEL.ONE as a partner, tracking is made easy. The system behind it is simple, yet effective. A package receives a single fixed tracking number. This number remains the same throughout the whole journey, is used by every cooperation partner along the way and therefore keeps the retailer and the customer up-to-date of the delivery status.
With ever rising customer demands, this single labeling process that ensures the geo-tracking is slowly but surely changing from a nice-to-have to a necessity. Customers expect to know the whereabouts of their delivery and retailers that cannot facilitate are less likely to be used again. This sounds harsh, but it is the truth.
Delivery is no one-way street: What about the returns?
Once a package is delivered, the process is not over. Return management is already an inconvenience in a lot of national business. Where can packages be returned, who has to pay for this service and how are the packages returned to the company? When you add the international aspect onto all these difficulties, returns become much more problematic. Returning should be as simple as getting the package delivered. Ideally, there is a local return address and a local backend customer service that can help with the process. This all can be provided by central shipping providers that optimise the whole process.
Quantity makes the difference
Lastly, one mistake made a lot when going international is not seeking help and trying this venture on one’s own. Facilitating delivery worldwide is already a large undertaking, but it is also very expensive, when the volume is smaller. For single retailers the large quantities are often not achievable or extremely difficult to realise – especially in comparison to the competition from Asia like Shein and Temu that not only offer cheaper prices on the products but can also facilitate free delivery due to their shipping amounts. Small and medium enterprises simply don’t have the same options. But specialised delivery service providers such as PARCEL.ONE can consolidate shipments and then negotiate significantly better options based on these larger numbers of deliveries. If smaller enterprises outsource their cross-border shipping, they have access to an international network of carriers and benefit from these favourable conditions.
Shipping with PARCEL.ONE knows no boundaries
With all these obstacles, many retailers shy away from going international. But the opportunities that lie with this business move are incredible and should not be so easily dismissed. It is simply a matter of tackling missed chances and looking for solutions with an experienced partner by one’s side. Shipping internationally does not have to be a hassle. Consolidated delivery services, the combination of local and regional transport service providers, as well as an effortless return management and the adaptation of cultural preferences can all be achieved by partnering with a specialised delivery enterprise.
PARCEL.ONE is located in the middle of Germany. A location at the centre of Europe, the ideal place to operate from. Specialised in cross-border logistics, fulfillment and sustainable delivery, we are a reliable partner that knows the best carrier for your specific demands. Our network of local delivery partners knows the local preferences and delivers every package safely and promptly. Apart from the delivery process which includes tracking and return management, we also offer solutions for packaging and storing needs. No matter what you need help with, we’ve got the solution for you!
The DELIVER 2025 is coming up and PARCEL.ONE will be there. Explore the newest trends in the retail industry: From sustainable service to brand new technologies. The retail and supply chain community is meeting in Amsterdam, join us!