Webinar: What’s wrong with reuse? with Unilever, Hubbub and Enviu

Innovation Forum is delighted to invite you to our upcoming webinar ‘What’s wrong with reuse?’​​​​​which will take place on the 21st August between 3pm-4pm BST.

You can register to attend here.

When it comes to reuse and refill, we hear a lot more about pilots than we do about scale. So, what’s wrong?

In this webinar we’ll assess the challenges in implementing a successful approach that is sustainable, profitable and scalable. We’ll highlight what’s needed to ensure schemes work in practice, and really deliver for consumers and for business reality.

Hear practical tips and advice from our panel:

·       Rosie Sharp, creative partner – plastics and packaging, Hubbub

·       Eline Leising, program manager, Enviu

·       Jolanda de Rooij, senior global sustainability manager – circular economy, Unilever

The webinar will be moderated by Ian Welsh, publishing director at Innovation Forum.

Once again, you can register here. If you aren’t available at this time, do sign up anyway and we’ll send you the recording after the event.

We look forward to seeing you at the webinar!

This webinar is organised in the lead up to the Sustainable Packaging Innovation Forum, taking place in Philadelphia this year on 29th-30th October. Over the two days, we’ll discuss how brands can define effective strategy, mange materials risk and find real solutions that scale. If you are interested in speaking, attending or sponsoring, please email sarah.jackson@innovationforum.co.uk

Innovation Forum is a London-based company specializing in sustainability events and publishing. We aim to make sustainability mainstream in business through online publishing, stakeholder engagement projects, and leading industry conferences. Read more here.

Company: Innovation Forum

Innovation Forum is an independent London-based company with decades of collective experience in sustainability events and publishing. As a platform for change, our mission is to help make sustainability mainstream in business. We do this through online publishing, stakeholder engagement projects, and industry leading business conferences that address the biggest challenges in sustainability.

Our debate-driven, focused events address challenges in food systems, business and human rights, plastics and packaging, sustainable apparel and climate action. We work with organisations such as IDH – The Sustainable Trade Initiative, Textile Exchange, Cargill, Everland and Cotton Connect, to deliver these events collaboratively.

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